Cesar Chavez Day Blog

Today we remember the sacrifices and hard work that Cesar Chavez made in California Labor History, so that all workers in California were treated with fairness and equity.

 Cesar Chavez visits Colegio Cesar Chavez in 1974, a year after the school opened in Mount Angel, Ore.

Today, March 31, 2022, is Ceasar Chavez day. Ceasar Chavez is known for his work with the United Farm Workers of America, a labor union that was influential in improving the working conditions for farm workers. Like many other farm workers, Chavez moved a great deal as a child, as his family had to move to a farm location that had work available. It is believed that Chavez moved 38 times during his childhood, and attended dozens of different schools because his family had to keep relocating to find work. Chavez is honored by having a US Navy cargo named after him, a California state-named holiday in his honor, and numerous buildings and streets in cities throughout California are named after Chavez. Ceasar Chavez is an important contributor to diversity, equity, and inclusion in California because he stood up for the rights of farm workers, he demanded that they paid be fair wages, and that the farm workers not be exposed to hazardous chemicals and pesticides. Chavez always advocated that farm workers receive the same employee protections that other workers in California enjoyed. Today we remember the sacrifices and hard work that Cesar Chavez made in California Labor History, so that all workers in California were treated with fairness and equity.

Garcia, M. (2016, May 9). Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers Movement. Oxford Research Encyclopedias. https://oxfordre.com/americanhistory/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780199329175.001.0001/acrefore-9780199329175-e-217

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