Why the Great Resignation is Happening Now

The rise of the Pandemic from 2020 to now has impacted our economy greatly. Let’s face it, prior to the pandemic many of us were full of motivation which has possibly downspiraled. However, with everything being played by ear and businesses reopening we are on the up and up! This time may have even provided our Coastline Students the opportunity to venture out and seek new opportunities by exploring new courses.

businessmen holding boxes for personal belongings and resignation letters.

"Over 90% of job switchers said they quit because the pandemic made them feel like 'life is too short to stay in a job they weren't passionate about." -Business Insider

Millions of Americans quit their jobs during the pandemic, fueling what has become known as "The Great Resignation." This phenomenon is not necessarily a bad thing, as it means that all those people came to realize that their current career was not providing them a sense of joy anymore. This realization signifies hope for future generations. This means that instead of staying in their current position, they ventured out and took the initiative to discover their true calling. These "pandemic epiphanies" have inspired one in four workers to leave their jobs in 2021.

It’s important to note that these millions of Americans are not just quitting. They're transitioning jobs and switching industries entirely, otherwise known as "The Great Reshuffle." With some leaving the work industry to retire, others not only switched positions but industries. This entails that it's never too late to chase your dream, but as college students it's important that you set yourself up on the right track.

finger pressing button that says "start new career"

According to an Indeed survey, "85% of job seekers are looking at work outside their current industry." For 97% of them, the pandemic was the impetus for changing careers.

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Why are so many people rethinking their careers?

Simply put, the pandemic has made the majority of workers rethink their relationship with work and reevaluate their career choice.

While COVID impacted everything and everyone differently, it created opportunities for employees to change to industries where remote work, flexibility, and higher pay are more prevalent. This in turn has allowed many the opportunity to pursue their professional passions.

The pandemic has brought upon a rollercoaster of adaptations. However, it has provided people with the gift of time which many have been able to use for career exploration and experimentation, allowing them to quit and switch from their current jobs.

Then there are those who decided to strike out on their own. One-third of working Americans who quit their job started their own business, according to a July survey by Digital.com, a review site that focuses on small businesses.

two young businessmen shaking hands across a table where two young business woman also sit, watching and smiling

How this impacts you:

“When we come into contact with life-threatening events, we tend to reflect on death and consider whether we are happy with our lives or whether we would like to make changes to them,” said Anthony Klotz, a management professor at Texas A&M University who coined the phrase “Great Resignation.”

Don’t miss out on the opportunity this is now providing. Remember to take full advantage of all the current job opportunities now out there. Many places are understaffed, providing you the ability to apply and work in different fields and industries that you are intrigued by. Follow your passion and remember to reach out and use all the resources that are available to you.

Make sure you explore what interests you! Keep an open mind. Being a part of something will help make you feel connected and committed, something you are passionate about. Put yourself in positions where you will have the opportunity to network with others who have similar interests to you.

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Benefits to those who decide to change their jobs may also include better perks, career advancement opportunities, flexibility, and higher pay. However, frequent job change leads to uncertainty, as one can feel over or underwhelmed and move into a job where they don't feel fulfilled. This is why it is imperative to job search and make sure you have a full understanding of the work environment you are about to enter so that you are prepared beforehand.

With all that being said, Dolphins, be sure to choose your future career based on what you are passionate about. There are several online career assessments that you can take to explore your interests. Know that career change is possible (and probably even inevitable). But, when you’re ready for a change, how do you know what profession or career path is right for you? It’s so easy to become complacent in a job or career you’re not really happy with and miss out on a dream job without even realizing it.

 Young cute smiling woman sitting in armchair at new office with her feet on the table and rest

How do you figure out what you want to do?

  1. Build on your strengths and talents - make a list!
  2. Evaluate your past to determine what you liked and did not like about jobs or classes.
  3. Talk to people about things that interest you.
  4. Find out what interests you and then explore the type of jobs you think you would like.
  5. Consider the work environment you want to be in.
  6. Do what makes you happy, even if you don’t know completely what that is yet.

Make sure to use the advantages of technology to scope out potential careers by searching for “day in the life of” videos or articles so you can get a better understanding.

Wishing you the best of luck this Happy New Year in 2022, Dolphins!

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